Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Crowds and Walking Alone...

Hey there Hey! Hope all is shining everyone's way =) The weather is still a bit off in my side of the Empire, but today I feel a bit more on track. I know what needs to get done and well I am making a conscious decision to really prioritize in action! So with that said, better late than never. This will be my link up for Soul Food Monday's over at Ponder Wonders buffet of Love for the soul but on a Tuesday ;) Hope I am still in time. 

I chose to share a letter below written by Mrs. Jada Pinkett Smith, (very wise woman), found on her Facebook post. Because, it so coincidentally relates to the quote I chose to make a comment on from Soul Food Monday's, at Ponder Wonders, regarding the crowds and walking alone. You will have to check that out for yourself. If you see my comment, I chose to relate it to my marriage and then remembered the day I read this letter. Thought I would share it with you all. As I read through I kept feeling that it's time to LET GO! But how? is where I find my self standing at this given time. 

So for now I will just try to sit back and relax while enjoying the journey. Maybe some time soon I will come across the answers. I have to be still and at peace to hear within the silence.

A letter to a friend:

You say you are feeling strangled in your marriage. I'm going to suggest an idea. Remember...its simply a suggestion.

Too often, marriage is expected to have a cookie cut existence. We are told marriage is not a marriage unless it looks a specific way. It's these boxes that create titles. It's these titles that create simple, black and white explanations for people 
who want to believe that they know who we are and who we are not, according to the criteria of the box. These explanations give people a false sense of control, a false sense of safety, and tend to be more...strangling then anything else.

Do an exercise. Throw all these titles in your marriage away. Perhaps, give your husband the title... life partner. Give your marriage the title of union...maybe. Simply release your marriage, your husband and yourself from the criteria. Maybe this will create an opportunity to find something new, fresh and expansive.

Life doesn't have to be about remaining the same and fearing what is outside the box. Your life, your marriage is art. Create, tear down and recreate again in order to keep up with your growth and happiness. THAT is MORE important...than the boxes and the criteria that comes with them.

Remember, the most courageous, world changing minds have had to step out of the box to create mind blowing realities.

Don't fear! Live!


Hope you enjoyed the read!!! I would love to hear your thoughts on marriage and if you agree with what society believes it should be or not be?!?

Don't forget to partake in spreading the LOVE and digging in this delicious buffet and linking up to Soul Food Monday!!!


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