Hey there Hey!
Hope everyone is doing fine today. It's a sunshine and rain kind of day on my side of the Empire. Funny how lately the weather has been in sync with my mood. Today I can say that although I feel the rain, I am hopeful and will stand strong in my faith that the light (sunshine) within me will continue to shine bright! - Amen to that- Wop Wop Wop Wop Wop OK OK let me stop. Hey I was never lying when I said I crack myself up at times. I think of this image when I say WOP! If you haven't seen it, check it out on VINE or YouTube.com. You will never ever see WOPPING the same again! (literally cracking up)
Anyway, today I would like to share with you a question that a friend asked me and the response I gave her. She asked me, "What is Autism?" After she text me with her request she wrote: "I am going to pick at your brain!".... Shoot she sure done did! (eyes wide open) My friend Adasis is back in school and currently taking an ASD Endorsement class. Her professor asked them to get a parents point of view of what Autism is and/or means to them? Of course she would ask me. I have a 4, almost 5 year old Autistic son. I have mentioned him in a couple past post, but this question that picked at my brain sparked a desire to want to share more with you guys. I am going to post as much as I can about my journey with Autism and all the insightful information I come across. If we communicate more we will become more aware and can truly help to better, not become bitter.
So back to my answer. And let me add that I went back and forth and back, forth and then from here to there and so on and so forth. LOL I wanted to express the perfect answer and well that just doesn't exist. With Autism and it's broad spectrum, we all encounter different situations with it. The answer I chose to go with was my first instinctive answer and that is the one I would like to share with you. It is from my experience and my point of view. It is my TRUTH. If this helps in any way, then I feel that I am slowly but surely taking steps towards my desire to serve and in doing so I could only hope that I am living out my life's purpose. Please be encouraged to share and post a comment! Lets combine our pieces and make life's puzzle together.
MY interpretation of Autism.....
What is Autism? Well since 1943 it's been known to be a variable developmental disorder that appears by age of three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form "normal" social relationships by impairment of the abilities to communicate with other and by stereotyped behavior patterns. And, in 1992 they added presence of repetitive behaviors and/or restricted interest.
Do you even understand that? I mean is this answer even enough? I feel like it's just a label being used to help give us comfort. I guess if we feel we have an explanation or medical terms of use for it, we can cope with the differences that they have compared them to what is considered the "norm", which what is the "norm" now in day?!? To me there are some things better dealt with if just accepted. I leave it up to my FAITH.

To me Autism is freedom. It is unconditional love. It's compassion. It's not having to tie down to all the limitations we constrict ourselves too. It's being pure. It's being untainted by societies ways, stereotypes and judgement. It's feeling wholeheartedly with no influences. It's genius and has its way with technology and visual perks that unfortunately us as "normal" cannot see nor understand. It's speaking on a different wave length. It's an every day challenge with no competition only progress. It's a new way of acceptance. It's a new perspective to this "normal" life.
I started dealing with Autism since the day he was born and didn't even know it. He was 18 months when curiosity sparked the question of Autism. By the time he was 24 months he was diagnosed with Autism and what a great journey it has been since. Even with the downs. Hey it's the only way to go up! Autism is a blessing to my family and has brought my family together in more than many ways. I am blessed and truly honored that I was trusted with such a special being. I learn so much each day and grow from it, that to me its a sacrifice that's worth every second. I gain such fulfillment in every progress he makes. He is a special unique piece to the puzzle we all know as LIFE. Autism is my baby boy!