Hey there Hey,
Hope all is well! It's a very gloomy day over here on my side of the Empire. There is no sight of the sun and the rain has been consistent since I woke up at 5:30 this morning. That's OK I love days like this too. Gives me a chance to stay in and snuggle with my bebe's. We actually have a Dr.'s appointment today but when we get back we have all kinds of movies to watch including a childhood classic from my times.....
An Ultimate 80's Classic!!! Perfect for a day off from school.
I think everyone that grew up in the 80's watched this movie along with other classics like, The Goonies, Lampoon's Vacation, Adventures of Babysitting, Don't Tell Mom The Baby sitter's Dead, Drop Dead Fred, etc... Movies from this time bring back a sense of innocence to me. So glad I can share them with my children. Speaking of my children, it's bitter sweet I must say! Summer is almost over and these are the last days I get to truly enjoy having them with me all day without the stress of routine and time schedules. All I can think of is that there can never be enough time I can have with them. I want them all the time!!! I have come to realize that it's all about them and I just want to make it valuable and worth it. This Monday is going to be tough and I am going to need a lot of support, LOL I will definitely be posting about it I am sure... Sobbing away as I leave my eldest for her first day in "MIDDLE SCHOOL" (sniffles), I leave my second eldest in "FIRST GRADE", & my youngest which has Autism in "PRE-K4".... A lot of emotions for one day, HUH?!??!?!! Tell me about it, I want to cry already.... (sniffles, sighs, sniffles)
Today I would like to dedicate Throwback Thursday to Britney, Bridget and Brenden. My 3 most treasured blessings. As I reminisce the memories through out the years. They have grown so much and I pray everyday that God continues to bless me in a way that I can give all I am suppose too for them to grow into what they were meant to be here in this life!!! I am a part of 3 miracles and that is amazing!!! OK OK, so now I am kind of all smiles =) I have the greatest Kids!!! (I am sure all parents can relate to this kind of feeling) It can get a little sad, but when I start to think of all they can be I get excited and anticipate being able to experience every phase in life as long as it's with them by my side!!! To my still baby little, big kids.....
My Choony Woony at 3 years old (Britney) |
My Fine China at 2 months old (Bridget) |
My Superman at 1 month old (Brenden) |
Ms. Britney |
Ms. Bridget |
Mr. Brenden |
My 3 most treasured blessings |
The Drive a Momma KooKoo Clan! |
Britney's 10 year old PhotoShoot! |
Bridget's Many Faces at 5 years old |
Yep! My little Heart Breaker! |
Girls Watch Out!!! |
Momma's Boy! The Who? & The Why!
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