Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday's Affirmations

Hey there Hey,

It's finally Friday! I am so ready for the weekend and all the festivities that will come along with it. This weekend will technically be the last weekend to truly enjoy breaking the curfew and having carefree summer fun with the kiddos and fam before school starts again. I seriously can't believe that a whole other year is almost over. It's like 4 months away from December. (eyes opened wide, YIKES!) Anyway, I am thankful for my Friday Affirmations and the way they help keep me focused and grateful for my life and everything in it. I am a creator and "the creator" of this life I love. Why not create and AFFIRM what is best for my soul!!!

I AM truly grateful for the time I get to spend with my family each day

I AM a new creation each day and choose to create memories with my children that we can cherish forever

I AM full of LOVE and a child at heart 

I AM who I AM and that's great! 


1 comment:

  1. Beautifully expressed! I love you always!

    ~SimplyyMayra :)
