Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Hey there Hey,

Good morning to all! For some reason the weather over here has been the pits lately. Geese! It's OK though, I am sipping on my Hot Chocolate topped with whip cream.... mmmmmm yummy Yes, I decided that I needed that extra sweetness on the top this morning. So as I am going through my daily routine of sorting through mail, breakfast with my little stud muffin, tidying up a bit, etc, etc... I got that little light bulb feeling on the top of my head... You know the one that pops up when you come up with an idea, when you finally remember something you forgot at the second, lol or as I would like to call it when you " make a connection".

We all know that I am on my journey and in my previous post I spoke about emailing my father about how I felt towards him and the fact he is absent in my life and the whole LOVE spiel I have going on now a days. So I am going about and the song Daughters by John Mayer comes on and I am humming along to it as my mind is singing the words softly in the background of all that I have going on. And, well of course, since the song is about Father, Mothers and Daughters I started to think about my own. I start thinking about my Mother, and how she was with me and nothing bad arose, Ok. Then I think of my Father and the way he was and still is with me.... Shazaam!!!

Light Bulb!!! I made a connection!!! I am on the mission to really let go so that I can LOVE freely. I always mention on my struggle for it. I have also spoken bits and pieces of how I intellectually say things that I truly mean but my actions speak it other wise dilemma. Yeah... I know! So with this connection it just makes a lot more sense to me now and well I am going to aim for it more than ever.

So back to the song. The words say " Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do, Girls become lovers who turn into mothers, so mothers be good to your daughters too. Oh you see that skin, its the same one she's been standing in since the day she saw him walking away, now she is left cleaning up the mess he made.Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do, Girls become lovers who turn into mothers, so mothers be good to your daughters too". " On behalf of every man, looking out for every girl you are the GOD in the weight of her world". Light Bulb!!!

So as I am singing this, I start to think about my Mother first and the way she was with me and and the way she is with me now. Ok, so I go to thinking about my Father and BOOM!!! Like speeding and all of a sudden hitting a wall that came from no where. Making a sudden STOP!!! Body Shifting!!! Ok, Ok, so it says "Fathers be good to your daughters, daughters will love like you do..." Uggghhhh I don't want to cry over here.... But I related to it/him and it hit me!!! That I LOVE like my father, so I took it as a confirmation that as the onion is peeling (as my Mother would say) I do need to make something out what's going with my Father. Make things right for myself, in hopes to be FREE from that sandbag that holds my balloon from flying free. And, with the holidays coming around the corner I might think of inviting him over for our traditional Noche Buena (Christmas Eve) Feast.... Guess you will have to come by again soon and look out for my Noche Buena Feast Post 12/24/12.

What a morning, A???!!! LOL Hope you enjoyed the read! I would love to hear all opinions and/or any advice you guys might have towards this matter. Have a great Happy Hump Day!


PS OMG check out the next post to see what song came on and spoke to me like a whisper as I was completing this one.....

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