Hey there Hey,
Let me start off with saying Happy New Years. I realized that the last time I was on my blog was before Noche Buena, aka Christmas Eve. There is a lot of catching up to do and lots to share!
I have always wanted to post an "About Me", where I write details and things about my life and self to share with my readers. I have yet to post anything because for some reason I felt that it was going to be kind of like a science project or report. Where details must be facts and the paper must be to perfection. LOL Yeah!!! The OCD freak over >_< I am literally cracking up in my seat as I visualize at would have been the possibilities of a mini biography.
Anyhoot, since I am trying to live a little more consciously, I paid attention to the sudden urge to write this post. So I really look forward to seeing where this spontaneity takes me!!!

I am just going to start with the NOW. If you didn't already know my full name is Zulaima Estrella Rafael (Morales). My birthday is in a couple of weeks!!! Its February 2nd. Yes, on Groundhog Day every year. This particular year I will be 30. The BIG 3 0. I am really excited cause this only means that I am a year wiser at heart with great young looking skin. They do say that a woman's peek is in her 30's. The hubby better watch out!!! I am married to Shaun L. Rafael. I will keep his middle name a secret til I feel the black maling is of use..... (wink wink) We have been married and I won't sit here and lie by saying happily (every marriage has its up and downs), for 7 years now going on 8. All I know is that I won't give up. I have 3 children. My eldest Britney that is 10, my Middle Bridget that is 6 and my Baby Boy Brenden that is 4. Woof, I got out of breathe just mentioning their names and ages. LOL They are a hand and feet full. My house is constantly filled with many kinds of emotions, stages and phases.
Britney aka Roocha, Choony Woony, Britbee wants to go to Hollywood!!! She is an aspiring actress, dancer, singer, you name the talent and she will strive towards it. She brings the life to any gathering and loves to perform entertainment for all. Her most recent talent is Piano. I took piano for 7 years when I was younger so being able to share it with her brings me back to some of my childhood days.
Oops sorry for the momentary intermission. Potty training my son and well, yeah you can imagine the type of accident that requires immediate attention!!! PHEWWWW!!!
Ok, I am back. I believe I left off on Bridget aka, The Yetty, Seboyie, The Bridgebee Jenx. She is the Artistic Diva with an attitude and high sense in fashion of her own. She is shy at times but is quick to speak her mind. Art if her forte!!! Definitely look forward to seeing what changes she makes in this world.
Then there is my little Chumbi, aka ChoochooPO, Brenden. He has Autism. Ironically every day is different even though they are based on the same routine. He is my under cover master mind. I know he holds the secret to life's true happiness and speaks up to 5 languages just not aloud... Yet! He is tender and wise. He is very persistent and gets away with it often due to his keen sense of charm and loving disposition. He is all about hugs and I can't wait for the day he speaks to me for the first time telling me everything he has been depriving us of.
Ok, so now that I did what they would call the Dolphin Personality Trait, I feel a lot better and I will now begin to speak a bit more of myself. This is MY ABOUT ME, after all. You can already guess that I am all about family and have a hard time putting myself first. But I am sure a lot of you know exactly where I am coming from. Especially us woman. For some reason its become very common amongst us.
Let me begin with I LOVE a good argument. Ever since I can remember, as a child I always wanted to be a Lawyer/ Judge. Even considered Political Science studies in hope to some day partake in one of the worlds most monumentous political debates. So I guess it's safe to say that I LOVE hard cold facts, fundamental information, a challenge, and of course what most of us get extreme pleasure from other than "sexually"?!?! LOL YEP!!! Being right in the end!!! Yes I am perfectionist for hidden subconscious reasons that I am currently trying to discover.
I LOVE the Arts! In my younger years I played the flute, tried the clarinet and tenor sax, and took piano lesson for 7 years. I was also into dance performance but due to family tough times I wasn't able to continue; leaving my blood to shake and boogie at the sound of a rythme or beat! I still dance at family gatherings, with my children in the middle of the parking lot and in the comfort of my own home!!! I am actually starting to crack up as I remember the time I sprained both my ankles playing DDR with my family and friends. (Who sprains their grown up ankles playing a WII game with kids, I do!)
I love to sing. It soothes me and helps to make me feel better. I tend to isolate when I am stressed or upset. Listening to music helps me to express emotions that sometimes are hard to let out in your own words. Music takes me away on a vacation while I am cleaning my house floors... Ok I am exaggerating. Which BTW I tend to do a lot. I guess that tendency is some how linked to dramatic-ness which I can definitely say I get that from my MOMMA!!! Oh yes, MZ. SimplyyMayra from Ponder Wonders!!! They do say the apple does not fall far from the tree. I am batting my eyes right now ^_^
I studied cosmetology and enjoy doing professional make-up and hair styling. I actually do it for a living and have made into a business. I have always LOVED photography growing up. I am very good with the posed shooting although candid is my preference. It't been almost 4 years now that I decided to make it into a career and add into the business (EMPIRE) as well. I like the fact that I get to create a set when doing mini/ seasonal sessions. I get to exercise my creativity and enjoy making my own props sometimes too. I want to get a Cricut soon. Cannot wait to post all about that!
I LOVE to cook as well as bake. Not to boast but I am actually very very good at it. What gives me certain confirmation is that I do not even taste my food as I cook it. I always let some one else try it and it's ALWAYS at the end when it's ready. I usually get told that I stuck my big fat toe in it, and that I cook like a traditional Cuban Abuela. (typical Cuban grandma in English translation) Baking is actually something new that I have added under my belt for a couple years now. I am liking my current chocolate cup cake recipe which I will share in my new TAB recipes I plan to create. I always like to try new things from a variety of cultures. I LOVE FOOD!!! My weakness being SWEETS!!! My most favorite is GREEK Cuisine. MMMM Bakalava yum. I am currently trying to get myself and the fam into a healthier eating life style.
Some other things about me are I LOVE movies! I love to watch them and fall asleep during watching them and then getting to watch them the next day or as many days as needed til completed! HA I love TV Series. My current favorite is Dexter and Nurse Jackie. I enjoy hot chocolate. Not a coffee drinker. Occasional tea. I love all genres in music, including a little ol' country! My favorite color is Hot Pink and I prefer classy and sophisticated when it comes to fashion. I also rather heels than stilettos and have currently begun an obsession for wedged shoes. I am a simple accessory type of gal. I love classical pieces that can be worn every day but stand out in rare beauty. I like two-tone but currently wear most Sterling Silver or White gold when I can afford it. I suffered from a spending habit and thanks to taking accountability it has reduced to almost no impulses for a few months now. Oh Oh and of course what girl doesn't like PURSES!!! (wink wink)
I enjoy the summer sun all year around here in Florida, but enjoy the occasional breezy day from time to time. Hey, who said wanting great skin and good hair sometimes is a crime?1?! I do not wear much make-up and if you knew me well you would know my favorite is always PAJAMA TIME!!! LOL My kids get a kick out of that. Sometimes it's uncomfortable to dress nicely and carry around with all the stuff and the kids. You know what I mean moms out there...?!?
I am also passionately loud about expressing my feelings, thoughts and emotions. Luckily I am from Cuban descent and get to blame my ancestors for this! LOL I usually mean no harm, I just want you to OH SO BADLY agree with me that my tone tends to over power my soft side. OMG I forgot to mention that I am highly sensitive! Which many people such as my friends might say NO WAY... But yes, I can admit that my warrior like exterior is due to being extremely protective of my sensitivity and mooshy feelings!!! I don't know about you guys but I do not like getting hurt, feeling hurt, crying or being a part of any thing that is going to make me sad, upset or unhappy. Gone through to much pain in my past to waste any more time letting certain things take power over me when I am the one with the power and all the answers.
I also wanted to share that I am not at all for Religion but am a woman of GOD. I believe in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. I have faith and hope that all things are possible through him. To basically sum things up, I am a simple classy lady with all the answers within. I am on a mission to hear my whispers and the words my heart has to share with me in exchange for wisdom. I am LOVE. I am destined to be everything that I have always wanted to BE!!! I am ME!!!
Zulaima Estrella Rafael (Morales)
P.S. "Their are those that say fate is something beyond our command. That "Destiny", is not our own. But, I know fate... Our "Fate" lives within is! You only have to be BRAVE enough to see it..."
Be still my heart. I am so very PROUD of you mi Priutibibi bella! You have grown into a beautiful butterfly and I cannot wait to see you soar! Always believe in yourself! I love you! Siempre contigo...Mom <3